It’s not true that people only use 10% of their brains, but it is true that most Christians only use 10% of their Bibles.
The Bible is the most loved and the most hated book in the world, but for many people, it is also difficult, boring, frustrating, brutal, and weird. However, there is a simple key at the beginning of the book that makes all of this go away. This key is the pattern found in its first chapter. Everything that follows is governed by the same process of forming and filling with a promise of a future.
This means that Bible is a fractal. Every part of it is stamped with the image of the whole. This is the key not only to many of its puzzles but also to enjoying its full literary bandwidth. Once you possess this key you will never look at the text in quite the same way again.
A good place to start your journey of discovery is the welcome page in the menu above.