Every covenant is a tour of duty with unique characteristics. Israel’s mission was to reverse the Garden curses upon the Land in order to reconcile the World.
The New Covenant era is the age of the occupation of earth by heaven. This is because of the link between the division of...
Does God have a future plan for Jews as a distinct people? The answer is found in the reason why He set Abram apart....
Since origins determine destiny, discerning whether God has any future plan for the Jewish people begins with understanding why He needed to set them...
When the structure of the book of Numbers is taken into account, the repetitive lists are revealed to be significant steps in a mesmerizing...
The difference between a chiasm and a Bible Matrix chiasm is the difference between mere symmetrical patterning and the use of a covenant arrangement...
Israel served as a microcosm of the nations of the world, so the resurrection of the nation from the “deep” of Babylonian exile is...
Jesus’ Olivet discourse—especially in Matthew—is a difficult text for which no school of interpretation can supply a satisfactory explanation. However, when understood as a...
Israel’s mediatory role required its members to be shepherds, not wolves. Instead of showing mercy as humble priests that the Gentiles might have life,...
Solomon broke the laws given by Moses for Israel’s kings. 1 Kings records his rise and fall with five cycles that recapitulate the Torah’s...