In the Bible, there are kings and queens, prophets and prophetesses, but there are no priestesses. As in Eden, the empowerment of the Woman is entirely dependent upon the...
Paul’s journey from self-styled nemesis of the Church to its premier human exemplar bears the stamp of the God who “calleth those things which...
The sixth cycle of Jude leaves the apostates behind in the wilderness and brings the saints into their promised inheritance. The seventh describes the rest and...
The New Testament is primarily a legal witness against the rulers of Jerusalem. Matthew hammers this home by structuring his Gospel after patterns in...
Why does Jude refer to Enoch? Because Jesus alluded to Lamech to illustrate the chasm between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of...
When the Bible appears to take an odd turn, or makes a bizarre statement, or employs some peculiar allusion, and acts as if these are completely...
The epistle of Jude is a masterfully-cut literary crystal. Beholding it as such allows it to catch the light of previous sacred texts and...
The Revelation can only be understood in the light of Old Testament symbols and sequences. The same is true of the epistle of Jude, which...
Since the destruction of Jerusalem was an event of earth-shattering covenantal significance, what might be the meaning of the subsequent tragic events at the...
Jesus’ “high priestly” prayer seems repetitious and rambling until we perceive its magnificent liturgical architecture. Once unveiled, the astonishing Old Testament allusions built into...