In Psalm 63, David the minstrel king likens himself to Israel, and his sufferings and hope not only take on the form of his nation’s history but also of...
As sphinxlike cherubim, the Prophets dealt in deathly riddles, but the answers to all their enigmas can be found in the books of Moses.
The rulers of Jerusalem tested Yahweh and refused to enter into His rest. In Matthew 21-22, Jesus is challenged by the authorities five times. The...
The modern practice of dismantling the Bible into a shambles of documents authored in response to disparate historical events rather than viewing it as...
John Weis wisely read Moses and the Revelation twice before reviewing, and on his second pass he made a helpful summary.
The Lord judged and rejected Saul, and then withdrew His Spirit from him. Then the Lord sent His Spirit to comfort Saul – in David.
Zechariah’s prophecy works from glory to glory, from Jerusalem below to the unshakeable one above.
Jesus’ seven last “words” from the cross follow the pattern of Creation. Why? Because He was making all things new.
While we must avoid extracting verses from Paul’s epistles as if they were theological fortune cookies, an analysis of his systematic reasoning without reference to Covenant-literary structure...
Jacob’s sons would contemptuously combine two acts of bloodshed—a mercy commanded by God and a vengeance abhorred by God—for the sake of their own honor. There would be...