The verb “descend” is used ten times in the Revelation, often describing something coming down from heaven. Is there a pattern in the order of these things that descend?
When the prophet Nathan told David of a rich man who had stolen and killed a poor man’s sheep (2 Samuel 12), David’s judgment...
Richard Bauckham points out that in John’s Gospel, Jesus has seven, relatively extended, private conversations. When gathered together as a single sequence, these appear...
The Hidden Dimension In many fields of scientific study, the apparent complications and contradictions are dispelled once the internal logic is perceived. Biblical hermeneutics is...
Psalm 82 begins with the Lord in his “house of lords,” but He is there because they have been doing what is right in their...
The final book of the Old Testament and last of “The Twelve” minor prophets is more intelligible, brilliant and beautiful once its internal logic...
This psalm of David is so well-known that parsing its Covenant-literary structure is like seeing an old friend in a new light.
A Grammar of Creation An understanding of the visual-musical language of the Bible must begin with Genesis 1. This is fortunate, because when explaining biblical types to...
The Historical-Grammatical Nanny State Typological interpretation is either abused or frowned upon, a domain relegated to mystics and charlatans, where the angels of modern academia fear to tread....
“Make yourself right at home in the Garden, Tabernacle and Temple…