The fortunes of earthly Jerusalem take us from the beginning of the circumcision in Abraham to the end of the circumcision in AD70, but the entire history must be...
The prophecies in the final chapters of Zechariah, taken in isolation, are extremely confusing. They seem to describe, very darkly, some events which took...
Psalm 1 and the Revelation Although the Covenant-literary “matrix” is consistent throughout the Bible, the biblical authors quite often play with it to make...
Just as the Tabernacle was a “microcosmos” which served as a sacrificial substitute for the world, so John 1 presents Jesus as a human...
The shape of the book of Revelation is the key to its meaning, and this shape is found throughout the Bible right from its...
Part 1 is here. The Image of Man This brings us to a substitutionary atonement which we do understand, the fulfilment of the cruciform Tabernacle in...
In Matthew 24:29, Jesus employs “cosmic language,” signs in the sun, moon and stars, to predict the imminent end of the Old Covenant. His first-century audience would have recognized...
The phrase “no male and female” in Galatians 3:28 is an allusion whose meaning is revealed only through an analysis of the literary structure.
The significance of the prophet Daniel for the “death and resurrection” of the nation of Israel becomes clear when the sacrificial “matrix” is discerned...
Like the books of Samuel and Chronicles, the book of Kings is so long and detailed that it was divided into two scrolls. But...