Every one of God’s houses throughout Bible history has “former days” and “latter days.” This pattern of construction and reconstruction is a process of death and resurrection.
The pattern of events between Egypt and Canaan sheds a great deal of light upon the sexual confusion in Western culture today, and God’s...
The fact that the order of the Old Testament canon is different in the Hebrew Bible from the Christian Bible shows that the books can...
Fifteen of the Psalms (120-134) begin with the words, “A song of ascents.” The title may indicate that these were sung by worshipers ascending the road to Jerusalem...
“The present might be postmodern but the future is postmillennial, a city where function and form are united in the beauty of holiness.”
Is there a theological reason for the order of the books in the New Testament canon?
As one of the inspired authors, John the Apostle employs in His Gospel the covenant-literary structure as a means not only of making allusions to...
A face value reading of 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 provides us with practical advice for dealing with disputes, but Paul employs systematic typology to anchor the...
“We have a God who hides things because He loves to be sought out, chewed out and found out.” As Christians, we are rightly...
Our familiarity with the Bible is a two-edged sword. Knowing it well enables us to wield it, but it often shields us from being truly...