This book stands squarely upon the brilliant exegetical work of James B. Jordan, but a further application of the Bible Matrix provides many more exciting insights. John writes:
Bull deftly explains the difficulty of reading Revelation without a knowledge of the Biblical canon and its symbology and structure. Though many exegetes have highlighted symbolic references, Bull’s work sets out to show how the structural patterns are integral to the author’s message and become the “key” by which one can pick up the melody.Part One: Moses
Chapter 1: The Shape of the Word
Demonstrates the fractal nature of Scripture and God’s redemption in history. He introduces the “T.H.E.O.S.” model, describing the pattern of all Biblical covenants, applying both to Adam in the Garden, and the Pentateuch. He briefly demonstrates the model’s relevance in analyzing the introduction of Revelation as a message from God (Transcendence) to John (Hierarchy).Chapter 2: The Shape of the World
Shows the Creation as a “three-tiered house”, (heaven, land, sea) and recapitulated in Noah’s ark. This physical pattern is repeated socially as Israel (land) becomes a priestly substitute for the nations (sea). This covenantal structure explains the judgment coming on the “land” (Israel) and “sea” (Roman empire), as God establishes the new heavens and new earth in Revelation.Chapter 3: The Shape of Worship
Shows the three-fold process of Creation: forming, filling, future (rest). These stages map to the history of Israel: priests, kings, and prophets. The THEOS pattern expands into a seven-fold pattern, reverberating throughout Creation, the tabernacle, the ascension offering, the festivals of Israel, and Moses’ encounter with Yahweh upon Mt. Sinai. This pattern becomes the foundation of the New Creation.Chapter 4: The Shape of History
Reveals biblical liturgy and history as related keys to Revelation, learned by “meditation, repetition, and personal use.” Applies the Bible Matrix, the sevenfold creation or fivefold covenant pattern, to God’s world: Adam, Cain/Abel, the Flood, Babel, the Law of Moses, the golden calf, the Exodus, the priesthood of Adam and Israel, and the history of Israel and the world.Chapter 5: The Shape of Revelation
Demonstrates that Revelation is the “culmination and climax of biblical history”, applying the matrix to the last days and the book itself. While the synoptic gospels include the Olivet Discourse, and the final epistles warned Jewish saints, John gives Revelation to Gentile saints. Revelation’s partial fulfillment makes it more relevant today, not less.Part Two: Revelation
Bull begins walking through the matrix as applied to the entire book of Revelation. The student should follow closely with the biblical text from here on.
Chapter 6: Seven Attributes – The Tabernacle Man
Creation – Sabbath – Day 1 – Genesis
Applies the matrix to two cycles, Revelation 1:1-8 (Jesus) and 1:9-20 (John). He also demonstrates its use in microcosm on v1 and v14-v16.Chapter 7: Seven Letters – A Living Lampstand
Division – Passover – Day 2 – Exodus
Moves through Revelation 2-3, showing Christ as the Last Adam, trimming the tree/lampstand of His new people, calling them as shining lamp witnesses to His reign, prophesying of coming judgment; seven lights testifying against the city set on seven hills.Chapter 8: Seven Horns & Eyes – The Missing Table
Ascension – Firstfruits – Day 3 – Leviticus
Explores Revelation 4-5 as Jesus is presented as the true fulfillment of the ascension offering and the firstborn from the dead. Applies the matrix to the new song in Revelation 5:9-10.Chapter 9: Seven Seals – A Better Covenant
Testing – Pentecost – Day 4 – Numbers
Proceeds to Revelation 6:1-8:6, reviewing as a cycle both the seals altogether, and exploring the sixth seal as a nested cycle. Revelation is composed of symbols, but the way it sequences symbols sheds light onto the actual symbols it uses.Chapter 10: Seven Trumpets – Plunder & Plagues
Maturity – Trumpets – Day 5 – Deuteronomy
Beautifully reveals the next section of Revelation 8:7-11:19 and 12:1-16:1 as two cycles at the Trumpets step of the book-level cycle, as the two witnesses requirement and suggested by Psalm 1, culminating in the preparation of the seven bowls.Chapter 11: Seven Bowls – Blessings and Curses
Conquest – Atonement – Day 6 – Joshua
Explores the revealing of Israel’s promised inheritance being voided through Israel in Egypt, Wilderness, and Canaan in Revelation 16:2-21, 17:1-18, and 18:1-19:21 respectively, also examining the woes against the harlot and the seven signs in the book.Chapter 12: Seven Days: The Kingdom Comes
Glorification – Booths – Day 7 – Judges
Identifies Revelation 20-22 as the crowning vindication of saints who withstood the tribulation (Jewish/Roman conspiracy) before Jerusalem’s fall in 70 AD. He explicates the seven mountains of redemptive history. He identifies the final unit as a cycle inverting the opening; a symbolic/chiastic wrapper for the prophecy.Part Three: The End of the World
Chapter 13: The Lost History
Bull summarises the Jewish war, reviewing Josephus’ historical record of the destruction of Jerusalem. These accounts are chilling, and the reader not familiar with the events will be totally amazed. For example, most Christians are unaware that Herod’s temple was still being built. This radically reshapes our understanding of key New Testament passages (cf. 1 Peter 2:4-5; Hebrews 3:5-6).Chapter 14: Sin City
Explores the liturgical structure of the tribulation and subsequent judgment as reminiscent of the head/body division in the ascension offering and the two goats of atonement. He demonstrates the final “week” of years as a “de-creation”, replaying the pattern of Jesus’ ministry, but in irony.
John’s review and these accompanying notes are on Goodreads.
You can read the introduction from the book here.
Moses and the Revelation is available to purchase here.
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