Read Part One here.Read Part Two here. The content of this final section will be published in installments as time permits. Additions will be announced to the email list...
Samuel Delgado and Mike Bull talk about soul sleep and resurrection for almost 3 hours.Watch on YouTube | Watch/Listen on Spotify
Meredith Kline’s famous fivefold structure of Deuteronomy needs an upgrade. In his book, That You May Prosper: Dominion by Covenant (1987), Ray Sutton describes...
The first book of this four-volume commentary includes an interpretive “how-to” that can be applied to any part of the Scriptures. The entire Book...
The Boaz column focuses upon Israel’s renewed dominion of the earth. But to do so, it must first wipe the slate of rebellious man...
In an ironic reprise of the table of nations in Genesis 10, Isaiah’s “kill list” in chapters 13-27 is a twin set of Mosaic...
Read Part One here. 1. Introduction: The task of theological husbandry 2. The Puzzle Box: The nifty, shifty gift of the story 3. The...
1. Introduction: The task of theological husbandry 2. The Puzzle Box: The nifty, shifty gift of the story 3. The Camp and the City:...
Isaiah’s description of a mountain where wild and domestic animals live together in peace is a favorite proof text for a future rule of...