Like all the best stories, the strange account of the disobedient prophet in 1 Kings 13 says so much more because of what it does not explicitly say. But what is...
The Fruit of Righteousness “In this shedding of immaturity, in obedience to the Covenant, Man is to outdo both tree and serpent.” When you...
God’s choice of David from among his brothers in 1 Samuel 16 not only prefigures the baptism of Jesus, it also presents David as...
The fortunes of earthly Jerusalem take us from the beginning of the circumcision in Abraham to the end of the circumcision in AD70, but...
Part 1 is here. The Image of Man This brings us to a substitutionary atonement which we do understand, the fulfilment of the cruciform Tabernacle in...
In Matthew 24:29, Jesus employs “cosmic language,” signs in the sun, moon and stars, to predict the imminent end of the Old Covenant. His first-century audience would have recognized...
The significance of the prophet Daniel for the “death and resurrection” of the nation of Israel becomes clear when the sacrificial “matrix” is discerned...
Like the books of Samuel and Chronicles, the book of Kings is so long and detailed that it was divided into two scrolls. But...
The pattern of events between Egypt and Canaan sheds a great deal of light upon the sexual confusion in Western culture today, and God’s...
As one of the inspired authors, John the Apostle employs in His Gospel the covenant-literary structure as a means not only of making allusions to...