Sacred architecture was always a form of promise, a model of what was yet to come. All of the furnitures in the Tent of Meeting found their fulfilment in the...
Parsed by Chris Wooldridge | Notes by Chris Wooldridge and Michael Bull We no longer possess the music for the Psalms,1Unless, as Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura proposes, the...
The parable of the Good Samaritan is a literary masterpiece. A “Covenant literary analysis” uncovers some pure gold in the structure of Jesus’ words,...
Here is a parsing of Psalm 12 by Chris Wooldridge, which makes the beauty of its structure apparent. Several of its Stanzas reflect the overall shape...
The command against boiling a kid in its mother’s milk is an enigma designed to horrify us as we chew upon it.
Christopher Wooldridge has parsed Psalm 3 (according to the Bible’s Covenant matrix) and has demonstrated that he now has this peculiar but glorious literary art under his...