David Dorsey’s Isaiah chiasm supports the unity of the book, but when it comes to its actual content and arrangement, perhaps we can do better.
Satan’s desire was always to turn the “pruning” of circumcision into an ax laid at the root of the tree of Israel. But now...
The pointed jokes continue as Matthew’s Gospel takes up the serrated edge of Exodus and saws into the bough of the Herodian dynasty.
The “Exodus” sequence in Matthew’s Gospel is a story of rivalry between two royal sons, and it all takes place upon a cruciform stage.
Oceans of ink have been spilled in the quest to make sense of the perplexing differences between the various biblical covenants. Understanding sacred history...
Having put enmity between the seeds of the serpent and the Woman, and then judging the Woman, John now judges the Man. The Covenantal...
The second cycle continues the pattern of subtle hints concerning what was to come. It reads like a ticking clock, building inexorably to the...
In the Bible, there are kings and queens, prophets and prophetesses, but there are no priestesses. As in Eden, the empowerment of the Woman...
The sixth cycle of Jude leaves the apostates behind in the wilderness and brings the saints into their promised inheritance. The seventh describes the rest and...
Why does Jude refer to Enoch? Because Jesus alluded to Lamech to illustrate the chasm between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of...