Bible Matrix: An Introduction to the DNA of the Scriptures
Bible Matrix II: The Covenant Key
God’s Kitchen: Theology You Can Eat & Drink
The Shape of Galatians: A Covenant-Literary Analysis
Sweet Counsel: Essays to Brighten the Eyes
Inquiétude: Essays for a People without Eyes
Birds of the Air: Theological Twitter
Moses and the Revelation: Why the End of the World is Not in Your Future
Dark Sayings: Essays for the Eyes of the Heart
Schema: A Journal of Systematic Typology Vol. 1
Schema: A Journal of Systematic Typology Vol. 2
Schema: A Journal of Systematic Typology Vol. 3
Fed by Ravens: More Theological Twitter
The Shape of 1-3 John & Jude: A Covenant-Literary Analysis
Schema: A Journal of Systematic Typology Vol. 4
The End of Israel: Jesus, Paul & AD70
A Lodge for Owls: Raw Theological Twitter
The Shape of Isaiah: A Covenant-Literary Analysis (Isaiah 1-12)