In a grim satire, Sheol is portrayed as a negative world, a moon shadow that parodies the lunar calendar of Israel but where the only harvest is corruption. This...
Read Part One here.Read Part Two here. The content of this final section will be published in installments as time permits. Additions will be...
The plagues upon Egypt comprise a “negative” sacred architecture. They lifted up Egypt in an ironic liturgy as a defiled altar upon which was placed the...
The covenantal significance and serpentine nature of biblical “leprosy.”
Satan’s desire was always to turn the “pruning” of circumcision into an ax laid at the root of the tree of Israel. But now...
The “Exodus” sequence in Matthew’s Gospel is a story of rivalry between two royal sons, and it all takes place upon a cruciform stage.
The second cycle continues the pattern of subtle hints concerning what was to come. It reads like a ticking clock, building inexorably to the...
The details of Israel’s battle against Amalek at Mount Sinai not only prefigure the architecture of the Tabernacle but also explain some of the...
All the world is Egypt. For the second cycle of Romans, Paul moves from Initiation to Delegation, from Genesis motifs to those of the...
The abandonment of worship was the underlying cause of the Great Flood. In contrast, the tower and city of Babel established false worship. Evil...