Read Part One here.Read Part Two here. The content of this final section will be published in installments as time permits. Additions will be announced to the email list...
The “fall of Lucifer” is the height of irony because it runs the pattern of the Tabernacle backwards. The king’s climb from the lowest...
The smartest way to take over the world is to replace it with a fake one. The smartest way to replace it with a...
Joseph’s three part narrative demonstrated to men what Adam should have been—and what the Son of Man would be. Read part 1. Read part...
If the “Sons of God” in Genesis 6 were the sons of Seth, how are we to understand the other references to the “Sons...
Conspiracy theories evaporate like mist once the truth is known. Likewise, Scripture itself makes short work of the erroneous “fallen angels” theology. READ PART...
The second day of Creation might be the most mysterious of the seven. Perhaps that is why the firmament was represented by a sacred...
The “strange” events of Genesis 6 make perfect sense in the light of Genesis 3. Why do so many serious theologians persist with peddling...
“The children promised to Adam, the innocents yet in his loins, are silent but crucial characters in Genesis 3.” “This man shall not be...
Abraham believed God and planted glorious trees in the hope of a fruitful land. The rulers slew Abraham’s true sons so Jesus was coming...