The fractal nature of the Bible reveals that the entire book was planned in advance. Those who dispute its authenticity and divine origin have some explaining to do. Read...
Each of the four Gospels ends with the crucifixion of Christ, four bloodied altar horns awaiting the holy fire to fall upon the sacrifice...
Is there any logic to the ten “generations” markers in the book of Genesis?
God created a world where all things—including words—have roots, so the strangest stories in the Bible can be understood if we are willing to...
The Creation Week establishes the fundamental pattern that governs everything in the Bible from beginning to end, both the literature and the history.
Jesus said that the judgment of Jerusalem would be like the days of Noah. Since men were united in their rebellion against Christ, the...
The plagues upon Egypt comprise a “negative” sacred architecture. They lifted up Egypt in an ironic liturgy as a defiled altar upon which was placed the...
The difference between a chiasm and a Bible Matrix chiasm is the difference between mere symmetrical patterning and the use of a covenant arrangement...
Israel’s mediatory role required its members to be shepherds, not wolves. Instead of showing mercy as humble priests that the Gentiles might have life,...
How is the Christian to answer the modern proponents of polygamy, since it is not condemned in the texts commonly used to support the case...