The notion that we could move away from God’s Forming Words and remain culturally productive—or even literate—is proving to be an arrogant mistake. “Truly, truly, I say to you,...
The prophetic texts are the most difficult parts of the Bible to understand. This is a serious problem, but the answer is not serious...
The Temple of Time The “covenant-literary matrix” of the Bible is not a pattern imposed upon the text, but the internal logic of its...
Wheels Within Wheels The structure of the Bible resembles something which was grown rather than built, composed rather than assembled. Its employment of “structure-as-sign” at every level from...
The Hidden Dimension In many fields of scientific study, the apparent complications and contradictions are dispelled once the internal logic is perceived. Biblical hermeneutics is...
A Grammar of Creation An understanding of the visual-musical language of the Bible must begin with Genesis 1. This is fortunate, because when explaining biblical types to...
The Historical-Grammatical Nanny State Typological interpretation is either abused or frowned upon, a domain relegated to mystics and charlatans, where the angels of modern academia fear to tread....
“The present might be postmodern but the future is postmillennial, a city where function and form are united in the beauty of holiness.”
“We have a God who hides things because He loves to be sought out, chewed out and found out.” As Christians, we are rightly...
Ancient writings, including the Bible, are very tightly and precisely written. Every word has its place. An excerpt from James B. Jordan’s influential book,...