Why are there seven bowls of wrath in Revelation 16, and from where did they come? Those familiar with the Old Testament will relate them to the Day of...
The verb “descend” is used ten times in the Revelation, often describing something coming down from heaven. Is there a pattern in the order...
When the prophet Nathan told David of a rich man who had stolen and killed a poor man’s sheep (2 Samuel 12), David’s judgment...
Psalm 1 and the Revelation Although the Covenant-literary “matrix” is consistent throughout the Bible, the biblical authors quite often play with it to make...
Just as the Tabernacle was a “microcosmos” which served as a sacrificial substitute for the world, so John 1 presents Jesus as a human...
The shape of the book of Revelation is the key to its meaning, and this shape is found throughout the Bible right from its...
Is there a theological reason for the order of the books in the New Testament canon?
Peter Leithart notices that the Revelation uses the word “sign” (semeion) seven times, all between chapters 12 and 19.
Revelation’s letters to the pastors of the seven churches in Asia are a prophecy of the history of the Church, according to dispensationalist Bible teachers. For...