Firstly, the basic premise is that the Bible is a “literary fractal.” This means that every part of it is the same shape as the entire book. This is because God has a very consistent way of doing things. For an introduction to fractals, see The Bible Is A Fractal.
Secondly, this “fractal” shape is symmetrical. Every part of the Bible has the same “DNA” shape, information contained in literary curves. This is the ‘X’ pattern found throughout the Scriptures. Comparing these shapes to one another not only explains why the text is so often strange to us, it opens up to the reader the internal logic of the authors. You can read more about that here.
These two links above are excerpts from a free ebook, Reading the Bible in 3D, which is the next place to go for a good rundown on how the Bible uses symbols, images, symmetry and repetition to communicate, the same tools employed by modern novels, movies and TV shows.
Once you have this introduction under your belt, you can get into Bible Matrix: An Introduction to the DNA of the Scriptures, which provides an overview of the entire Bible using this “fractal” premise. You’ll discover that a lot of the things that seem weird about the Bible begin to make perfect sense. You can read the foreword by Dr Peter Leithart here.
For an introduction to the symbol language of the Bible, read James B. Jordan’s groundbreaking Through New Eyes: Developing a Biblical View of the World, also available to read online here.
For an extremely concise rundown on the structures and sequences in the Torah and how they shape the rest of the Bible, see The Substratum of Moses.
All of these books and more are available to patrons in the Online Library.
To make this site easier to navigate (especially for beginners), the articles are categorised in five levels, with Level 1 being introductory.
For readers who are more advanced, there is also a series on “Systematic Typology”: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5.
If you have any questions at all, or would like to consider joining the Bible Matrix discussion forum, feel free to contact me.
Michael Bull